This past month I celebrated my 60th birthday. So what have I learned in 60 years of life?  
I could ramble on and on, but I will try to keep it brief.  
 Keep Re-Inventing Yourself.  In 33 years of practice, I have transitioned to a new technique, learned to teach about it, posture, and a myriad of other issues.  I’ve tried many new things- ways of working and ways of being. I have tried to listen to my wife and children when told what “treasured” clothing articles need to be retired in order to keep current in fashion.  I have taken up new forms of exercise and leisure, most recently weight lifting(??!?) and ballroom dancing with my wife.  I think these things, and learning new things help to keep me young.
Be Kind to Yourself.  While mental health may have less of a stigma than in days gone by, it is still not talked about enough.  We are all messed up and come from messed up families!  Celebrate our messiness.  Don’t be discouraged by all the enviable lives plastered all over social media.  Embrace your good days and embrace your bad and don’t worry about changing your expectations for yourself according to what kind of day you’re having.  
Invest in Yourself.  The concept of self care should not be a luxury but a necessity, and it is so much more than having the occasional bubble bath.  Spending the time and energy to take care of yourself and finding out what that means for you pays back in dividends.  It was years before I realized that I am an introvert and needed down time on my own to recharge my batteries.  Burning myself out isn’t helpful to anyone, particularly myself.  Having regular time to exercise is keeping me fit, but also helping my mental health.  I don’t expect to be retiring from chiropractic to make a living as a fitness model- but the energy I am putting in to weight lifting is worth it.  
Speaking of retiring from Chiropractic, people are wondering if Dr. Corey joining the office means that I am on my way out?  No I’m not.  Having Dr. Corey there will allow me to travel more, and I plan on taking full advantage of that!  It will extend my longevity so I won’t need to retire.  In fact, Jane and I are heading back to the west coast from September 8-18.  In my absence, my practice members can see Dr. Corey during his hours here at our office.  He is an excellent Network practitioner- I have received Network Care from him for more than a year.  You won’t even know I’ve gone!  If you can’t make it in during my hours when I am in town, you can always book in during Dr. Corey’s hours.  
I will keep working, but I will be travelling more- I take this meme very seriously.

So I’m trying to practice what I preach and invest in myself.  I’m only 60, there’s a long way to go! 

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