This week I listened to a presentation by Chase Barron.  He contrasted the act of throwing a bucket of water at a rock with the steady pressure that a single drop of water will have, if hitting that same rock over and over.  In time, you can get a hole formed in the rock by the repeated pressure of the dripped water.  What does that have to do with us? 

When we want to change something in our lives, it is the little acts that are repeated daily which can lead to massive change.  This can apply to every area in our lives. 

So do you want to challenge yourself?  After hearing his presentation, I decided to take on a fitness challenge for the month of July.  Why don’t you join me?

We don’t have to all do the same challenge.  Just choose something that is do-able, but that is a stretch for you.  Don’t pick something that will kill you, but something that you could do every day.  And then do it! 

Sharing what you are doing with those around you will add accountability and motivate you to keep going.  If you want to share your program with me, I’ll share what I’m doing with you and we can commiserate with each other!

Barron quotes Mark Twain who says, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of your day.”  He relates this to exercising in the morning.  I take exception to this!  I like exercising in the morning.  It gets me awake and alert and it starts my day in a consistent manner.  It also means that I get my workout in- I know when I put it off it becomes harder and harder to squeeze it in to the day with everything else competing for attention.  That may not be how you operate, but if you want to take up the July challenge, it is helpful to find a consistent time in your day.

If you want some advice on an exercise program, feel free to set up an assessment in the office.

Make time for your wellness.  Take up the July challenge!  Let’s compare notes at the end of the month, or even along the way.  Do something today that your future self will thank you for!

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