Do you ever invite someone over to your home and do a major clean up before they arrive?  Maybe it is just our family, but a visitor’s pending arrival can lead to clutter being cleared from counters, extra cleaning, even guest towels being put out in the bathroom!  It is quite nice to enjoy our home when it is tidied for company to arrive.

I have never sold a house, but I can imagine that the process of staging my home with the reduced clutter and carefully placed homey touches might even make me change my mind about wanting to sell!  “What a nice place to live!” I would think, in my spotless, staged home.

We are only ever going to get one body to live in (unless science makes some incredible strides to take the fiction out of science fiction).  With that in mind, you would think that we would want to take better care of this body in which we live.  I know of someone for whom cholesterol levels were a concern.  His doctor would order annual blood tests to assess his condition.  This person would “fool his doctor” by eliminating cream (he liked 18% in his coffee) and all junk food for the week before his blood tests.  For a number of years he would receive a clean bill of health.  Imagine if he lived like that all the time!  I know a woman that loved being pregnant.  It turns out she ate better and took better care of herself while she was pregnant, which led to her enjoyment of this period of her life with her improved health and energy levels.  What if she took such good care of herself all the time!

Let’s not just exercise or “eat right” because we have a class reunion coming up or an outfit we want to fit in for an impending wedding.  Let’s do it because it is great to live in a healthy body.  Let’s make it a lifestyle.  Regular Network Care will help support a healthy lifestyle. 

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