I just did 3000 burpees…

I just did 3000 burpees…

I just did 3000 burpees!   Why? Well, I’m not sure. It seemed like a good idea at the time. If you don’t know what burpees are, they are an exercise/torture developed by someone named Burpee in the 1930s which includes a jump, a squat, a plank and a push up....
A Powerful Drip

A Powerful Drip

This week I listened to a presentation by Chase Barron.  He contrasted the act of throwing a bucket of water at a rock with the steady pressure that a single drop of water will have, if hitting that same rock over and over.  In time, you can get a hole...
The New Normal

The New Normal

I was in a class recently where the pandemic was discussed, with the concept of finding a blessing in the crisis.  This may seem hard to do, as we don’t tend to enjoy going through a crisis, so finding a blessing in it seems to be a tall order! ...
Changing your Focus

Changing your Focus

Many of us are dealing with significant challenges through this time of pandemic. I don’t want to minimize the trials that others are facing with simplistic solutions, but I would like to offer a suggestion regarding managing these emotionally charged events....
How Strong is Your “Life Core”?

How Strong is Your “Life Core”?

At an online men’s group I am a part of, we were given the challenge to do 100 push-ups before the next time we met. I have been working with weights for several years, so this challenge didn’t scare me at all. However, I haven’t been doing any push-ups because of...
Know Your Limitations

Know Your Limitations

My wife and I went on a cruise in February and had a fantastic time. It has occurred to me that I would not have been able to book the cruise if I hadn’t faced a limitation of mine, and gotten help. You see I’m inherently thrifty, one might say...
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