Connection Part 1

Connection Part 1

Have you ever been talking on the phone to someone, only to find out that somewhere in the story you were telling, the connection had been lost and you were talking to dead air?  I have.  My friends assure me that it is a “dropped call”, and that...
Great Expectations

Great Expectations

Over the holidays, my family was able to enjoy time together playing cards and ping pong, working on a 1000 piece puzzle (it’s still not done!?!!) and watching movies.  One movie we watched had been given a great recommendation.  It was compared with a...
Perhaps the Grinch won’t steal Christmas!

Perhaps the Grinch won’t steal Christmas!

One feels, as they write a December epistle, that they should look back on the year and make deep and profound observations.  Hmmm. This year has been like no other, teaching all of us life lessons.  There was a Facebook meme that summed it up: I thought...
Getting a New Roof

Getting a New Roof

I had the opportunity in November, to pay around ten thousand dollars to have a new roof put on my house.  Wow.  There are a lot of things I would like to do with ten thousand dollars…  that wasn’t really one of them!!! ...
The Evils of a Garden Cloth

The Evils of a Garden Cloth

You may have noticed this summer that we re-did the desert rock garden on our front yard. This garden was first set up in 2007. Our children still bemoan the fact that we chose the hottest time of that summer to do the work, and they were relegated to filling buckets...
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