What!  It’s not a Tylenol deficiency???

What! It’s not a Tylenol deficiency???

We are a fast paced culture that likes instant relief. To get that instant relief, we will sometimes over-ride the systems of our body that get in the way. I have made the statement a number of times over the years, “we do not get headaches because we have a...
Self Healing through Self Connection

Self Healing through Self Connection

I was reading an article on blogging, and the author suggested that one should have a slogan that summarizes who they are and what they do. I pondered this for some time. What image would I like to convey? I thought about the image of the coach. There are times when...
What happens when YOUR body goes on Strike?

What happens when YOUR body goes on Strike?

There is an analogy that I like to use in our practice that all of us have a relationship with our own bodies that is similar to the relationship of management and labourers in a company. Sometimes that relationship is great, sometimes it is not. The brain is the...

Celebrating Wellness Day & Recipes

We have just enjoyed our fourth annual  “Celebrating Wellness Day”. There was food and fun, and a party to celebrate the launching of Dr. Ivey’s book “Handbook 2 Health”!!! Madeline won a copy of the book, but anyone can get this as...
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