A Good Place to Live

A Good Place to Live

Do you ever invite someone over to your home and do a major clean up before they arrive?  Maybe it is just our family, but a visitor’s pending arrival can lead to clutter being cleared from counters, extra cleaning, even guest towels being put out in the...
Because you have a spine…

Because you have a spine…

I recently had a new patient who is just 6 weeks old.  His parents brought him in for a check up.  As we assessed his perfect little body, we found some areas that were a little out of balance neurologically.  This could have been caused from his...
Journal your way into the new year

Journal your way into the new year

Do you ever do any journaling? I was speaking with a patient that told me her therapist had encouraged her to do more journaling, but she found the task daunting.  Sometimes we can have a lot going on inside and we don’t know where to start.  It is similar...
Superheroes Need Care Too!

Superheroes Need Care Too!

In my practice, I get to take care of a lot of great people.  All of you are superheroes in my book. The problem with being a superhero is that sometimes you are so busy saving the world that you don’t take care of yourself.  I want to talk about self...
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