I know, I know, we have talked about this before in our newsletter, but there are so many benefits to backwards walking that I am going to bring it up again. Summer is the easiest time to give it a try, so I (Dr. Dave) thought I’d bring it up one more time.
It doesn’t require any equipment and proponents report that it:

  • speeds up the body’s metabolism
  • increases energy levels
  • sharpens the senses and mental clarity
  • improves coordination & balance
  • boosts body consciousness
  • adds variety to your training
  • strengthens less used leg muscles
  • decreases lower back pain
  • puts less strain on the knees
  • improves sleep
  • strengthens the heart

I have been recommending it to any members of our practice over the past 2 years with foot and knee issues and have seen significant improvement in many of them with this very simple exercise. It can be performed on a treadmill set at a slow speed, in a long hallway or outside. It can be done with a walker, if you have any balance issues.

If done outside, I recommend going to an outdoor track, so the painted lines can allow you to monitor your progress without having to swivel your head.

When you are walking backwards, try taking as long a stride as possible- swinging your arms as you walk. Start with 5 minutes of continuous backwards walking, but build up to 10 minutes three to four times a week. It does wonders for strengthening your posterior chain, improving your posture and strengthening your core and some often underdeveloped muscles in your legs.

This is something that I have added to my regular weekly routine for maintaining my body, and I know Dr. Corey has too! To watch our new You Tube video on “Backwards Walking”, click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7j1FoWCMSg . Try it today and make this part of your wellness practice.

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