You may have noticed a large puddle in front of our office door at one of your visits.  One might call it a small lake. This is not a water feature that we are adding, though ponds are certainly very attractive and gold fish could be an interesting addition to the outside decor for the office.  This pool of water forms because our aging driveway has sunk in this particular spot and rain water collects  and stays there until it evaporates… or until Dr. Corey or I sweep it away.  The driveway is otherwise good, but after 50+ years it requires a little work to maintain it.  We try and get out there and sweep the driveway as soon as we can after the rain. 

Our bodies are like that driveway.  As time goes on, some parts may start to sink a little.  Gravity takes a hold.  The effect of gravity doesn’t just affect how things look, it affects how they function!  In the winter, our driveway pond can become a nice skating rink and be a falling hazard to members of our practice.  Maintenance requires sweeping the snow and water away and then putting salt there to prevent accidents.  An aging driveway takes work just like an aging body.  

We talk a lot about “Maintenance Care” in our office.  We encourage people not to wait until there’s a symptom, but to come in for a regular tune up.  We encourage members of our practice to do exercises at home to maintain the strength of their core, so that their muscles can sustain the stresses of everyday life.  Twelve members of our practice joined me last week for a “Posture Boot Camp” to learn exercises to improve and maintain their posture.  (let us know if you’re interested in the next one- we can put you on the list for the autumn class).  

I don’t know if you have noticed this sign (below) on the south side of Sheppard as you travel east toward Shaughnessy?  I hadn’t noticed it until this week, though my kids tell me it’s been there for years.  I asked the question, “Should I take it personally that this sign for a “seniors safety zone” is on the lane that leads to my house?”  I’m still getting used to the fact that I get charged for a “senior’s coffee” at McDonalds without asking for it or showing ID!  The point is, whether you’re a “senior” like me or not, you are aging.  The important thing is to do it in a healthy way, and maintain the sinking parts of your driveway.  Take advantage of our Canada Day pack and get in for some visits this summer

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