How do you recharge?

I saw this clever post on Facebook.  Unfortunately, there was no author listed, so I don’t know who to give credit to, but I really liked it.  It speaks to the different things that may energize us along with the things that can drain our energy. 

Some of the things which drain our energy may have become such a regular part of our lives that we don’t recognize that they are there and the impact that they are having.  We lead a busy fast-paced life with a consistent level of stress, so we “save time” with fast food, work long hours and short change ourselves in our sleep and “down time”.  Negative thinking, dwelling on the past, or scrolling on social media may have become habits.  These things all drain our energy.

Things that give us energy may get squeezed out of our busy lives, if we are not intentional in how we live.  Making space for exercise, time in nature, preparing healthy food and getting adequate rest are all things that can get overlooked in the busy-ness of life, yet these things are what give us energy!

No matter how “zen” your life is, you will use energy.  That is normal.  The secret is to be replenishing more than you drain.  Each of us is unique in what uses and restores our energy, so it is important to “know yourself”.  As we enter the holiday season, some of us will be energized by decorating the house while others find the task daunting.  Some are recharged by the many social events and times with friends and family while others need to lie down to recover from their visit home to see the extended family.  For some a craft or hobby brings joy and relaxing, for others it brings stress and irritation.  

As we approach the holidays, take time to take to consider your life and think about what recharges your batteries (by the way, “recharge” is the code word to get $5 off your first visit in December) and what might be draining your energy?  Make sure to get in for a tune up, as Network Care helps you to release stored stress patterns which will impact your health and energy levels.  Take time to recharge.  You don’t let your phone run out of battery because you need it.  Don’t let your life run down either!

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