Our Blog

Living With Anxiety

I realize that it’s been quite some time since one of our monthly articles specifically addressed anxiety.  I talked about it in my book, “Living Through the Storms of Life”, but the last blog article on the subject was way back in May of 2019!  At that...

Saint Illness

Have you ever made it through a stressful period and then finally got to the end, only to "come down with something" and be laid up in bed?  It may be that your back goes out or you succumb to the flu or get a migraine.  It happened to my daughter, Rachel, when she...

The Ultimate Stretching Tip

Tis the season for challenging driving, and I am grateful that I put winter tires on our car.  There are a number of things I do to prepare for each new season, particularly winter.  I make sure salt is on hand for the driveway and fill the...

How do you recharge?

 How do you recharge? I saw this clever post on Facebook.  Unfortunately, there was no author listed, so I don't know who to give credit to, but I really liked it.  It speaks to the different things that may energize us along with the things that can...

The Storms Keep Coming

As you probably know, I (Dr. Ivey) published a book this past spring.  The process of writing a book was both easier and harder than I expected.  I like to write, as you can see if you look through the archives of our website at the monthly newsletters.  Life has...

Lessons from a Broken Arm

I wish I could tell you an exciting story about how it happened, but it was silly.  Last week I slipped in a Zumba class and fell, bending my arm in a way it was never supposed to bend. I went to the hospital and found I have an avulsion fracture of my elbow with...

The Storms of Aging

Shannon Robbins, a talented wedding and portrait photographer, created the image above while she was in school.  It was an assignment to depict an elderly man looking at himself in a mirror and still seeing the young man that he once was.  She took this...

More Backwards Walking

I know, I know, we have talked about this before in our newsletter, but there are so many benefits to backwards walking that I am going to bring it up again. Summer is the easiest time to give it a try, so I (Dr. Dave) thought I'd bring it up one more time.It doesn’t...

More Maintenance

You may have noticed a large puddle in front of our office door at one of your visits.  One might call it a small lake. This is not a water feature that we are adding, though ponds are certainly very attractive and gold fish could be an interesting addition to the...

Why Posture Matters

We talk a lot about posture in our office and there is a good reason!  When everything is aligned well, it works better- more efficiently and with less wear and tear. Anyone who has ever tried to stack stones knows how important it is to get them properly lined...
Listen to the Whisper

Listen to the Whisper

Last month we had a new patient who was a young man that had been an athlete for much of his life.  He had a sustained different injuries...

Routine vs. Variety

Routine vs. Variety

One for Maintenance, One for Growth It is a new year!  2023 is upon us.  Whether you like to set new year's resolutions or not,...

Core with Dr. Corey Part 3

Core with Dr. Corey Part 3

Click on the link below to watch the third and final video in the series "Core with Dr. Corey". Learn some practical exercises you can do at home to...

Core with Dr. Corey Part 2

Core with Dr. Corey Part 2

Why is the core so important?  The core is the central part of our bodies and it includes the pelvis, lower back and hips. It is important to...

Core with Dr. Corey

Core with Dr. Corey

We are excited to announce a new series of videos that will be available on our You Tube channel.  Dr. Corey is teaching about the importance...

Posture Matters

Posture Matters

Last week, we taught a workshop on Posture in our studio.  I talk about posture a lot, as a chiropractor.  If you look back through the...

Dave turns 60!

Dave turns 60!

This past month I celebrated my 60th birthday. So what have I learned in 60 years of life?  I could ramble on and on, but I will try to keep it...

Quality Sleep:  Tips & Tricks

Quality Sleep: Tips & Tricks

This spring I hosted a movement challenge group and the participants could get bonus points with different activities.  One was to list their...

Walk Back into Summer

Walk Back into Summer

Would you like to try a new way to exercise this summer?  It doesn’t require any equipment and proponents report that it: speeds up the body’s...



Last year we took the summer off and drove to the west coast.  We purchased a 2017 Rav4 for the trip, as we felt our little 2005 Corolla might...

Lessons from my Snow Tire

Lessons from my Snow Tire

In the middle of April I injured my back.  Encouraged by the spring weather, I decided to switch out my snow tires for the all-season tires...

Get Rid of the Noise!

Get Rid of the Noise!

I saw a new patient last month who has experienced tinnitus, a constant ringing in the ear, for the past 18 months. After her third visit, she came...

A Good Place to Live

A Good Place to Live

Do you ever invite someone over to your home and do a major clean up before they arrive?  Maybe it is just our family, but a visitor's pending...

Because you have a spine…

Because you have a spine…

I recently had a new patient who is just 6 weeks old.  His parents brought him in for a check up.  As we assessed his perfect little body,...

Superheroes Need Care Too!

Superheroes Need Care Too!

In my practice, I get to take care of a lot of great people.  All of you are superheroes in my book. The problem with being a superhero is that...



For many people, 2020 and 2021 have included some challenging times.  Our family is no exception.  COVID first hit in March of 2020 and...

8 mm!

8 mm!

When COVID started, I used the 2 ½ months that we were closed to clean out almost every drawer and closet in our house.  While spring cleaning...

Connection Part 2

Connection Part 2

Last month we talked about the importance of Connection in our "In Good Health" article. I would like to continue the conversation, to explain why...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I recently discovered that I have a 5 o'clock shadow first thing in the morning- immediately after shaving??!? I am not sure if it is due...

Connection Part 1

Connection Part 1

Have you ever been talking on the phone to someone, only to find out that somewhere in the story you were telling, the connection had been lost and...

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