Our Blog

Morning Routine

I (Dr. Dave) have not always been a morning person.  In fact, while in University and sharing a home with a bunch of guys, I was known for keeping my alarm clock on the other side of the room (so I couldn't shut it off in my sleep) but then still hitting the...

Tips for When You’re Sick

Of course, we never want to get sick, but there may be times that one may succumb to the myriad of viruses that surround us.   The best medicine is prevention, of course, and we encourage you to keep your nervous system "fine tuned" so that your...

How Long?

As a doctor, I often get asked how long a condition will take to heal.  As a human being that will get conditions myself, I understand.  When I'm in pain, I want definitive answers.  How long?  How many treatments?  What is the fastest...

The STRESS Response!

Last month both Dr. Corey and Dr. Dave each got the "privilege" of experiencing an audit from the Chiropractic Association.  The regulating body plans these on a regular basis for chiropractors to ensure that we are following the guidelines set out by the...

Do vs. Be (part 2)

Last month I (Dr. Dave) wrote the "In Good Health" article on Doing vs. Being.  I'd like to continue that conversation. While it is important NOT to define ourselves by what we do, but rather who we are, it occurs to me that sometimes we can desire to BE something,...

Do vs. Be

As I was thinking about an article for this month, I watched an excellent video on Facebook of a commencement address at NC State by graduate, Kelsey O’Connor, class of ‘23. She addressed the question that many new graduates face, “What are you going to do next?” ...

Self Care

As a proponent of self care, I (Dr. Dave) treated myself this week to an amazing massage with Gabriela Mezmer, just up the street from us.  On the way home I went by Canadian Tire to pick up a Canada Day planter to go outside the office.  As I was leaving, I was...

A Lot Can Happen in 30 Years!

It is hard to believe it is 30 years since Jane and I joined the Henry Farm Community.  A lot has happened in that time.  The neighbourhood has grown and changed, and so have we- individually and as an office.  Dr. Ron Gibson retired in 1993, entrusting the practice...

How Full is Your Tank?

Last week, a patient described being more "sensitive" than usual.  It was difficult for her to put into words, but she said she felt more "aware".  Upon reflection, she realized that her recent dental surgery had taken a toll on her nervous system, and...

Spring Cleaning for Life

Signs of spring are here!  Sunshine and longer days make some of us think about getting out in the garden.  Soon it will be time to take off those winter tires! Some of us will create more closet space by packing away our heavy winter...
Write your own Epitaph day?

Write your own Epitaph day?

Often, as part of running my business and preparing my newsletter, I will check the calendar for national days that are celebrated. Of course we...

Social Media

Social Media

Like many people, I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I enjoy going on Facebook or Instagram to get caught up with pictures from...

Lessons from Scotland

Lessons from Scotland

We had the wonderful opportunity to visit Scotland this spring with our daughters. When Gillian had finished her "exchange" semester at the...

Healthy Aging vs. Getting Old

Healthy Aging vs. Getting Old

I can't believe I am writing about healthy aging! Some days I feel like I am just 20 years old inside, and then I catch a glance in the mirror and...

If you aim at nothing…

If you aim at nothing…

January and "goal setting" have become a thing. I know, some people avoid New Year's Goals, having been burned by previous goals that didn't work...

Less Me and More We

Less Me and More We

"Less me and more we" is a slogan well known in the business world to promote working together as a team. I think this can apply particularly well...

Spring is HERE!

Spring is HERE!

Spring has sprung! The weather might not have totally caught up with this idea, but spring is HERE never the less! Spring is a time for new growth,...



Happy New Year! I know of people who begin the new year with resolutions for what habits they plan to break and growth they plan to make. "New Year,...

Holiday Traditions

Holiday Traditions

The holidays are coming, and many cultures have traditions at this time of year that bring families together and create lasting memories. I had a...

Eat your way Healthy…

Eat your way Healthy…

Foods that increase your healing potential As part of my preparation for our talk on MAXIMIZING YOUR BODY'S HEALING DEFENSES, I turned to Dr. Google...

Gratitude, Service & Health

Gratitude, Service & Health

It is Thanksgiving weekend coming up. This is a time we often talk about gratitude, and it is a good time to do so! The government gives us a day...

Lean into it

Lean into it

I watched a movie this summer where the main character shares the 6 rules of wisdom that he learned from his father. The fifth rule was to "lean...

Posture and Depression

Posture and Depression

May 1-7 is National Mental Health week.  There have been numerous headlines lately on the topic of posture and depression, as a recent study...

Spring: Time to Cleanse!

The first day of spring has arrived, and the weather alternates between cold blusters of winter remnants and the tantalizing teasings of spring-...

I did NOT want to Like it…

...yet here I am, recommending this product! I have been a chiropractor for 28 years. In this time, I cannot tell you how many companies have...

Sitting is the new Smoking

Sitting is the new Smoking

There have been a number of studies recently that highlight the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle upon one's health. Sitting is described as...

Use it or Lose it!

Use it or Lose it!

I have to commend Dentists! They have done a wonderful job at educating the public on the need for preventative maintenance with regards to our...

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