Our Blog

Living With Anxiety

I realize that it’s been quite some time since one of our monthly articles specifically addressed anxiety.  I talked about it in my book, “Living Through the Storms of Life”, but the last blog article on the subject was way back in May of 2019!  At that...

Saint Illness

Have you ever made it through a stressful period and then finally got to the end, only to "come down with something" and be laid up in bed?  It may be that your back goes out or you succumb to the flu or get a migraine.  It happened to my daughter, Rachel, when she...

The Ultimate Stretching Tip

Tis the season for challenging driving, and I am grateful that I put winter tires on our car.  There are a number of things I do to prepare for each new season, particularly winter.  I make sure salt is on hand for the driveway and fill the...

How do you recharge?

 How do you recharge? I saw this clever post on Facebook.  Unfortunately, there was no author listed, so I don't know who to give credit to, but I really liked it.  It speaks to the different things that may energize us along with the things that can...

The Storms Keep Coming

As you probably know, I (Dr. Ivey) published a book this past spring.  The process of writing a book was both easier and harder than I expected.  I like to write, as you can see if you look through the archives of our website at the monthly newsletters.  Life has...

Lessons from a Broken Arm

I wish I could tell you an exciting story about how it happened, but it was silly.  Last week I slipped in a Zumba class and fell, bending my arm in a way it was never supposed to bend. I went to the hospital and found I have an avulsion fracture of my elbow with...

The Storms of Aging

Shannon Robbins, a talented wedding and portrait photographer, created the image above while she was in school.  It was an assignment to depict an elderly man looking at himself in a mirror and still seeing the young man that he once was.  She took this...

More Backwards Walking

I know, I know, we have talked about this before in our newsletter, but there are so many benefits to backwards walking that I am going to bring it up again. Summer is the easiest time to give it a try, so I (Dr. Dave) thought I'd bring it up one more time.It doesn’t...

More Maintenance

You may have noticed a large puddle in front of our office door at one of your visits.  One might call it a small lake. This is not a water feature that we are adding, though ponds are certainly very attractive and gold fish could be an interesting addition to the...

Why Posture Matters

We talk a lot about posture in our office and there is a good reason!  When everything is aligned well, it works better- more efficiently and with less wear and tear. Anyone who has ever tried to stack stones knows how important it is to get them properly lined...
Living With Anxiety

Living With Anxiety

I realize that it’s been quite some time since one of our monthly articles specifically addressed anxiety.  I talked about it in my book,...

Saint Illness

Saint Illness

Have you ever made it through a stressful period and then finally got to the end, only to "come down with something" and be laid up in bed?  It may...

How do you recharge?

How do you recharge?

 How do you recharge? I saw this clever post on Facebook.  Unfortunately, there was no author listed, so I don't know who to give credit...

The Storms Keep Coming

The Storms Keep Coming

As you probably know, I (Dr. Ivey) published a book this past spring.  The process of writing a book was both easier and harder than I expected.  I...

Lessons from a Broken Arm

Lessons from a Broken Arm

I wish I could tell you an exciting story about how it happened, but it was silly.  Last week I slipped in a Zumba class and fell, bending my...

The Storms of Aging

The Storms of Aging

Shannon Robbins, a talented wedding and portrait photographer, created the image above while she was in school.  It was an assignment to...

More Backwards Walking

More Backwards Walking

I know, I know, we have talked about this before in our newsletter, but there are so many benefits to backwards walking that I am going to bring it...

More Maintenance

More Maintenance

You may have noticed a large puddle in front of our office door at one of your visits.  One might call it a small lake. This is not a water feature...

Why Posture Matters

Why Posture Matters

We talk a lot about posture in our office and there is a good reason!  When everything is aligned well, it works better- more efficiently and...

An Exercise to Manage STRESS

An Exercise to Manage STRESS

In honour of International Mental Health week, I (Dr. Ivey) wanted to share an excerpt form my book that is coming out in the next month, "Living...

How is Life in the Soup?

How is Life in the Soup?

I (Dr. Ivey) had a patient visit this month that came in straight from work.  She had retired from this job 8 months before, but she was...

From the Ground Up!

From the Ground Up!

I, (Dr. Dave), did some spring cleaning and I'm getting rid of 12 pairs of shoes!  This is not just because I wanted space in my closet or that I...

The Ceiling Fan

The Ceiling Fan

This past autumn when I (Dr. Dave) got back from a trip, I found that Dr. Corey had posted a sign that the ceiling fan in the office bathroom...

Morning Routine

Morning Routine

I (Dr. Dave) have not always been a morning person.  In fact, while in University and sharing a home with a bunch of guys, I was known for...

How Long?

How Long?

As a doctor, I often get asked how long a condition will take to heal.  As a human being that will get conditions myself, I understand. ...

The STRESS Response!

The STRESS Response!

Last month both Dr. Corey and Dr. Dave each got the "privilege" of experiencing an audit from the Chiropractic Association.  The regulating...

Do vs. Be (part 2)

Do vs. Be (part 2)

Last month I (Dr. Dave) wrote the "In Good Health" article on Doing vs. Being.  I'd like to continue that conversation. While it is important NOT to...

Do vs. Be

Do vs. Be

As I was thinking about an article for this month, I watched an excellent video on Facebook of a commencement address at NC State by graduate,...

Self Care

Self Care

As a proponent of self care, I (Dr. Dave) treated myself this week to an amazing massage with Gabriela Mezmer, just up the street from us.  On the...

A Lot Can Happen in 30 Years!

A Lot Can Happen in 30 Years!

It is hard to believe it is 30 years since Jane and I joined the Henry Farm Community.  A lot has happened in that time.  The neighbourhood has...

How Full is Your Tank?

How Full is Your Tank?

Last week, a patient described being more "sensitive" than usual.  It was difficult for her to put into words, but she said she felt more...

Spring Cleaning for Life

Spring Cleaning for Life

Signs of spring are here!  Sunshine and longer days make some of us think about getting out in the garden.  Soon it will be time to take...

The Power of the Dog Leash

The Power of the Dog Leash

Since we are "celebrating" National Puppy Day this month, I thought I would write about Becca.  Many of you have seen her, ensconced on her...

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