Yoga Studio Class

Teacher: Jaime Vinderine
Yoga is well known for its therapeutic benefits, as it will allow for an increased awareness of the body’s posture, alignment and movement patterns. The body becomes more flexible and relaxed; essential for healing from the stressful environment that surrounds us all. Those practicing Yoga describe benefits of being fit, energetic, happy and peaceful!
Jaime’s background is in education, expressive arts, and yoga. She is a teacher registered with the Ontario College of Teachers and an Expressive Arts Practitioner registered with the Ontario Expressive Arts Therapy Association. Jaime’s teaching style focuses on creating a safe space to explore self-awareness, and self-expression, while using movement and breath cues to help create the mind-body-heart connection.
Mondays 7: 00 pm
Thursdays 7:00 pm
- Classes are purchased by the term or drop in if space is available.
- Terms are 6-8 weeks depending on holidays.
- Each class is $18 if paid by the term or $25 to drop in.
Class size is limited. You may reserve your spot with your payment.
If you have been recently exposed, or have any symptoms of COVID without testing negative, we ask you to cancel your class. If you have pre-paid, you will receive credit toward the next series if you inform us by 5 pm on the day of the class.